GBP Estates Blog

At GBP Estates we believe in keeping you informed about what is going on in the property market.

Brexit deal and Romford house prices & your mortgage payments

9 January 2021

Brexit Deal And Romford House Prices & Your Mortgage Payments

      Christmas Eve brought the news that Boris Johnson had conclusively agreed on a Brexit deal for the UK with the European Union. This gave optimism that the...

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As unemployment hits 6.5% in Romford

29 December 2020

As Unemployment Hits 6.5% In Romford

  AS UNEMPLOYMENT HITS 6.5% IN ROMFORD     What Effect Will This Have On The Romford Property Market in 2021?   12 months ago, the unemployment rate in...

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No deal Brexit - The prediction for Romford house prices

15 December 2020

No Deal Brexit - The Prediction For Romford House Prices

NO DEAL BREXIT - THE PREDICTION FOR ROMFORD HOUSE PRICES   Roll the clock back to April 2020, and major financial economists and property market commenters were sounding the alarm. The...

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Capital Gains Tax to Rise

14 December 2020

Capital Gains Tax To Rise

  Romford Landlords and Second Homeowners Will Probably Save Money From The Proposed New Capital Gains Tax Changes   If the proposals were adopted in full, some Romford...

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As Romford first-time buyers are being locked out of the Romford Property Market - Rents have fallen by 3.8%

27 November 2020

As Romford First-Time Buyers Are Being Locked Out Of The Romford Property Market - Rents Have Fallen By 3.8%

  With the banks reducing the number of low deposit mortgages ( i.e. deposit of 10% and below ) since Covid-19 hit in the spring, this has meant that the number of Romford first-time...

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What will happen to the value of your Romford home next Year?

24 November 2020

What Will Happen To The Value Of Your Romford Home Next Year?

  What will a no deal Brexit on the horizon, the end of the stamp duty holiday in March, mortgage payment holidays coming to an end, unemployment set to rise after furlough and ongoing...

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